Returning to her home planet Pandora, an infamous bounty hunter forms an unexpected alliance with a ragtag team of misfits. Together, they battle alien monsters and dangerous bandits to uncover one of Pandora's most explosive secrets.
Ticket Price:
WEEKDAYS = ₦5,000
WEEKENDS = ₦5,000
*Every Movie Ticket Includes Free Popcorn
Returning to her home planet Pandora, an infamous bounty hunter forms an unexpected alliance with a ragtag team of misfits. Together, they battle alien monsters and dangerous bandits to uncover one of Pandora's most explosive secrets.
Ticket Price:
WEEKDAYS = ₦5,000
WEEKENDS = ₦5,000
*Every Movie Ticket Includes Free Popcorn
CUSTOMER SERVICE AVAILABLE ON 08100118747 | 08188319081 from 11:00AM – 9:00PM DAILY